Functional pipeline

This commit is contained in:
Jiang Yio 2023-05-03 22:42:27 -04:00
parent 9fe8227c57
commit 462de2ff11
2 changed files with 188 additions and 301 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
export const comp = (...fs) => x0 => fs.reduceRight((x, f) => f(x), x0);
export const flow = (...fs) => x0 => fs.reduce((x, f) => f(x), x0);
export const pipe = (x0, ...fs) => fs.reduce((x, f) => f(x), x0);
export const apipe = (f0, ...fs) => async (...args) => fs.reduce((x, f) => f(x), await f0(...args));
export function uniq(xs) {
var seen = {};
return xs.filter(x => seen.hasOwnProperty(x) ? false : (seen[x] = true));

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { reactive, watch } from 'vue';
import vista from './vista.mjs';
import cookie from './cookie.mjs';
import { debounce } from './util.mjs';
import { debounce, pipe, apipe } from './util.mjs';
import { lab_parse, lab_reparse_results, measurement_parse, orderinfo_parse, orderoverrides_parse, orderoptions_parse } from './reportparser.mjs';
import { TplFS, EncFS, randpassword as tplfs_randpassword } from './tplfs.mjs';
@ -21,24 +21,137 @@ function RPCError(type, ...args) {
RPCError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
export function logged(fn, name) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = await fn(...args);
console.log(name, ...args, res);
export const d_log = data => (console.log(data._request.method, ...(data._request.params || []), '=>', data), data);
export const d_unwrap = data => {
if(data.error) throw new RPCError(data.error.type,;
if(data.ts) try {
data.result._ts = data.ts;
} catch(ex) {}
return data.result;
export const f_emit = (fn=console.log, ...args) => data => (fn(...args, data), data);
export const f_split = (delimiter='^', ...columns) => columns.length > 0 ? data => => columns.reduce((acc, val, idx) => (acc[val] = acc[idx], acc), row.split(delimiter))) : data => => row.split(delimiter));
export const f_split1 = (delimiter='^', ...columns) => columns.length > 0 ? data => columns.reduce((acc, val, idx) => (acc[val] = acc[idx], acc), data.split(delimiter)) : data => data.split(delimiter);
export const d_split = (data, delimiter='^', ...columns) => columns.length > 0 ? => columns.reduce((acc, val, idx) => (acc[val] = acc[idx], acc), row.split(delimiter))) : => row.split(delimiter));
export const d_split1 = (data, delimiter='^', ...columns) => columns.length > 0 ? columns.reduce((acc, val, idx) => (acc[val] = acc[idx], acc), data.split(delimiter)) : data.split(delimiter);
export const f_slice = (start, end) => data => data.slice(start, end);
export const f_key = (key='id') => typeof key === 'function' ? data => data.reduce((acc, val) => (acc[key(val)] = val, acc), data) : data => data.reduce((acc, val) => (acc[val[key]] = val, acc), data);
export const d_parse_boolean = data => data != '0';
export const d_parse_text = data => data !== '' ? data.join('\r\n') : data;
export const d_parse_array = data => data !== '' ? data : [];
export const d_parse_orderdialogs = (data, columns=['IEN', 'windowFormId', 'displayGroupId', 'type', 'displayText']) => {
row = row.split('^');
row = [...row[0].split(';'), row[1]];
return columns.reduce((acc, val, idx) => (acc[val] = acc[idx], acc), row);
export const d_parse_ordermenu = data => {
var res = d_split1(data[0], '^', 'name', 'columns', 'path_switch');
res.children = d_split(data.slice(1), '^', 'col', 'row', 'type', 'IEN', 'formid', 'autoaccept', 'display_text', 'mnemonic', 'displayonly');
return res;
export const f_parse_caretseparated_detail = (columns, detailcolumn) => {
if(!detailcolumn) detailcolumn = 'detail';
return columns ? data => {
var res = [], item = {};
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i], prefix = row.charAt(0);
if(prefix == '~') res.push(item = columns.reduce((acc, val, idx) => (acc[val] = acc[idx], acc), row.substring(1).split('^')));
else if(prefix == 't') {
if(item[detailcolumn]) item[detailcolumn] += '\r\n' + data[i].substring(1);
else item[detailcolumn] = data[i].substring(1);
return res;
} : data => {
var res = [], item = {};
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i], prefix = row.charAt(0);
if(prefix == '~') res.push(item = row.substring(1).split('^'));
else if(prefix == 't') {
if(item[detailcolumn]) item[detailcolumn] += '\r\n' + data[i].substring(1);
else item[detailcolumn] = data[i].substring(1);
return res;
export function unwrapped(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = await fn(...args);
if(res.error) throw new RPCError(res.error.type, ...res.error.args);
if(res.ts) try {
res.result._ts = res.ts;
} catch(ex) {}
return res.result;
export const d_parse_orderoptions_scheduling = data => {
var res = orderoptions_parse(data);
for(var k in res) if(res.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if(res[k].items) res[k].items = res[k].items.split('^');
res['~' + k.toUpperCase()] = res[k];
return res;
export const d_parse_orderoptions_labfacility = data => {
var res = orderoptions_parse(data), val, defaultvalue;
for(var k in res) if(res.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
val = res[k];
if(val.default) {
val.default = d_split1(val.default, '^', 'value', 'text');
defaultvalue = val.default.value;
} else defaultvalue = null;
if(val.items) val.items = val.items.split('\r\n').map(x => x ? (x = d_split1(x, '^', 'value', 'text'), x.default = x.value == defaultvalue, x) : null);
res['~' + k.toUpperCase()] = val;
return res;
export const d_parse_orderoptions_labtest = data => {
var res = orderoptions_parse(data), val, defaultvalue;
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Test Name')) res['Test Name'].default = res['Test Name'].default.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Item ID')) res['Item ID'].default = d_split1(res['Item ID'].default, '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('ReqCom')) res['ReqCom'].default = res['ReqCom'].default.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('CollSamp')) res['CollSamp'].items = res['CollSamp'].items.split('\r\n').map(x => d_split1(x, '^', 'n', 'SampIEN', 'SampName', 'SpecPtr', 'TubeTop', 'unk_5', 'unk_6', 'LabCollect', 'unk_8', 'SpecName'));
res['Derived CollSamp'] = res['Unique CollSamp'] || res['Lab CollSamp'] || res['Default CollSamp'];
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Specimens')) res['Specimens'].items = res['Specimens'].items.split('\r\n').map(x => d_split1(x, '^', 'value', 'text'));
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Default Urgency')) res['Default Urgency'].default = res['Default Urgency'].default.split('\r\n').map(x => d_split1(x, '^', 'value', 'text', 'x'));
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Urgencies')) res['Urgencies'].items = res['Urgencies'].items.split('\r\n').map(x => d_split1(x, '^', 'value', 'text'));
return res;
export const d_parse_orderoptions_medfill = data => {
var res = orderoptions_parse(data);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Pickup')) {
if(res['Pickup'].default) res['Pickup'].default = d_split1(res['Pickup'].default, '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res['Pickup'].items) res['Pickup'].items = d_split(res['Pickup'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Priority')) {
if(res['Priority'].default) res['Priority'].default = d_split1(res['Priority'].default, '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res['Priority'].items) res['Priority'].items = d_split(res['Priority'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Refills')) {
if(res['Refills'].default) res['Refills'].default = d_split1(res['Refills'].default, '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res['Refills'].items) res['Refills'].items = d_split(res['Refills'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'value', 'text');
return res;
export const d_parse_orderoptions_meddose = data => {
var res = orderoptions_parse(data);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('AllDoses')) res['AllDoses'].items = d_split(res['AllDoses'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'text', 'id', 'dosefields');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Dispense')) res['Dispense'].items = d_split(res['Dispense'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'id', 'dose', 'unit', 'text', 'split');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Dosage')) res['Dosage'].items = d_split(res['Dosage'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'medication', '_', '_', 'value', 'text', 'tier', '_', 'form');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Indication')) res['Indication'].items = res['Indication'].items.split('\r\n');
if((res.hasOwnProperty('Medication')) && (res['Medication'].default)) res['Medication'].default = d_split1(res['Medication'].default, '^', 'value', 'text');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Route')) {
if(res['Route'].default) res['Route'].default = d_split1(res['Route'].default, '^', 'value', 'abbr');
res['Route'].items = d_split(res['Route'].items.split('\r\n'), '^', 'value', 'text', 'abbr', 'sig', '_');
return res;
export function memoized(fn) {
var cache = {};
@ -48,237 +161,6 @@ export function memoized(fn) {
export function converted_boolean(fn, columns=null) {
return async function(...args) {
return await fn(...args) == '1';
export function parsed_nullarray(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = await fn(...args);
return res !== '' ? res : [];
export function parsed_text(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = await fn(...args);
return res !== '' ? res.join('\r\n') : res;
function parse_caretseparated(rows, columns) {
return {
row = row.split('^');
for(var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if(columns[i]) row[columns[i]] = row[i];
return row;
function parse_caretseparated1(row, columns) {
var res = row.split('^');
if(columns) for(var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if(columns[i]) res[columns[i]] = res[i];
return res;
export function caretseparated(fn, columns=null) {
return async function(...args) {
if(columns) return (await fn(...args)).map(function(row) {
row = row.split('^');
for(var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if(columns[i]) row[columns[i]] = row[i];
return row;
else return (await fn(...args)).map(function(row) { return row.split('^'); });
export function caretseparated1(fn, columns=null) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = (await fn(...args)).split('^');
if(columns) for(var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if(columns[i]) res[columns[i]] = res[i];
return res;
function parsed_caretseparated_detail(fn, columns, detailcolumn) {
if(!columns) columns = [];
if(!detailcolumn) detailcolumn = 'detail';
return columns ? async function(...args) {
var res = [], item = {}, rows = await fn(...args);
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
var row = rows[i], prefix = row.charAt(0);
if(prefix == '~') {
item = row.substring(1).split('^');
for(var j = columns.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) if(columns[j]) item[columns[j]] = item[j];
} else if(prefix == 't') {
if(item[detailcolumn]) item[detailcolumn] += '\r\n' + rows[i].substring(1);
else item[detailcolumn] = rows[i].substring(1);
return res;
} : async function(...args) {
var res = [], item = {}, rows = await fn(...args);
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
var row = rows[i], prefix = row.charAt(0);
if(prefix == '~') res.push(item = row.substring(1).split('^'));
else if(prefix == 't') {
if(item[detailcolumn]) item[detailcolumn] += '\r\n' + rows[i].substring(1);
else item[detailcolumn] = rows[i].substring(1);
return res;
export function sliced(fn, start, end) {
return async function(...args) {
return (await fn(...args)).slice(start, end);
export function mapped(fn, id='id') {
if(typeof id === 'function') return async function(...args) {
var res = await fn(...args);
for(var i = res.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) res[id(res[i])] = res[i];
return res;
else return async function(...args) {
var res = await fn(...args);
for(var i = res.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) res[res[i][id]] = res[i];
return res;
export function labreportparsed(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
return lab_parse(await fn(...args));
const parsed_orderdialogs_columns = ['IEN', 'windowFormId', 'displayGroupId', 'type', 'displayText'];
export function parsed_orderdialogs(fn, columns=parsed_orderdialogs_columns) {
return async function(...args) {
return (await fn(...args)).map(function(row) {
row = row.split('^');
row = [...row[0].split(';'), row[1]];
for(var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if(columns[i]) row[columns[i]] = row[i];
return row;
export function parsed_orderoverrides(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
return orderoverrides_parse(await fn(...args));
export function parsed_ordermenu(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var resultset = await fn(...args);
var res = parse_caretseparated1(resultset[0], ['name', 'columns', 'path_switch']);
res.children = parse_caretseparated(resultset.slice(1), ['col', 'row', 'type', 'IEN', 'formid', 'autoaccept', 'display_text', 'mnemonic', 'displayonly']);
return res;
export function parsed_orderinfo(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
return orderinfo_parse(await fn(...args));
export function parsed_orderoptions_scheduling(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = orderoptions_parse(await fn(...args));
for(var k in res) if(res.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if(res[k].items) res[k].items = res[k].items.split('^');
res['~' + k.toUpperCase()] = res[k];
return res;
export function parsed_orderoptions_labfacility(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = orderoptions_parse(await fn(...args)), val, defaultvalue;
for(var k in res) if(res.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
val = res[k];
if(val.default) {
val.default = parse_caretseparated1(val.default, ['value', 'text']);
defaultvalue = val.default.value;
} else defaultvalue = null;
if(val.items) val.items = val.items.split('\r\n').map(x => x ? (x = parse_caretseparated1(x, ['value', 'text']), x.default = x.value == defaultvalue, x) : null);
res['~' + k.toUpperCase()] = val;
return res;
export function parsed_orderoptions_labtest(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = orderoptions_parse(await fn(...args)), val, defaultvalue;
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Test Name')) res['Test Name'].default = res['Test Name'].default.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Item ID')) res['Item ID'].default = parse_caretseparated1(res['Item ID'].default, ['value', 'text']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('ReqCom')) res['ReqCom'].default = res['ReqCom'].default.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
if(res.hasOwnProperty('CollSamp')) res['CollSamp'].items = res['CollSamp'].items.split('\r\n').map(x => parse_caretseparated1(x, ['n', 'SampIEN', 'SampName', 'SpecPtr', 'TubeTop', 'unk_5', 'unk_6', 'LabCollect', 'unk_8', 'SpecName']));
res['Derived CollSamp'] = res['Unique CollSamp'] || res['Lab CollSamp'] || res['Default CollSamp'];
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Specimens')) res['Specimens'].items = res['Specimens'].items.split('\r\n').map(x => parse_caretseparated1(x, ['value', 'text']));
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Default Urgency')) res['Default Urgency'].default = res['Default Urgency'].default.split('\r\n').map(x => parse_caretseparated1(x, ['value', 'text', 'x']));
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Urgencies')) res['Urgencies'].items = res['Urgencies'].items.split('\r\n').map(x => parse_caretseparated1(x, ['value', 'text']));
return res;
export function parsed_orderoptions_medfill(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = orderoptions_parse(await fn(...args));
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Pickup')) {
if(res['Pickup'].default) res['Pickup'].default = parse_caretseparated1(res['Pickup'].default, ['value', 'text']);
if(res['Pickup'].items) res['Pickup'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['Pickup'].items.split('\r\n'), ['value', 'text']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Priority')) {
if(res['Priority'].default) res['Priority'].default = parse_caretseparated1(res['Priority'].default, ['value', 'text']);
if(res['Priority'].items) res['Priority'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['Priority'].items.split('\r\n'), ['value', 'text']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Refills')) {
if(res['Refills'].default) res['Refills'].default = parse_caretseparated1(res['Refills'].default, ['value', 'text']);
if(res['Refills'].items) res['Refills'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['Refills'].items.split('\r\n'), ['value', 'text']);
return res;
export function parsed_orderoptions_meddose(fn) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = orderoptions_parse(await fn(...args));
if(res.hasOwnProperty('AllDoses')) res['AllDoses'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['AllDoses'].items.split('\r\n'), ['text', 'id', 'dosefields']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Dispense')) res['Dispense'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['Dispense'].items.split('\r\n'), ['id', 'dose', 'unit', 'text', 'split']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Dosage')) res['Dosage'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['Dosage'].items.split('\r\n'), ['medication', '_', '_', 'value', 'text', 'tier', '_', 'form']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Indication')) res['Indication'].items = res['Indication'].items.split('\r\n');
if((res.hasOwnProperty('Medication')) && (res['Medication'].default)) res['Medication'].default = parse_caretseparated1(res['Medication'].default, ['value', 'text']);
if(res.hasOwnProperty('Route')) {
if(res['Route'].default) res['Route'].default = parse_caretseparated1(res['Route'].default, ['value', 'abbr']);
res['Route'].items = parse_caretseparated(res['Route'].items.split('\r\n'), ['value', 'text', 'abbr', 'sig', '_']);
return res;
export function tabulated(fn, mapping) {
return async function(...args) {
var res = (await fn(...args)).map(function(row) { return row.slice(); }), nrow = res.length;
for(var i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
var row = res[i], ncol = row.length;
for(var j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) if(mapping.hasOwnProperty(j)) row[mapping[j]] = row[j];
return res;
export function Client(cid, secret) {
var heartbeat = null;
@ -344,76 +226,76 @@ export function Client(cid, secret) {
if(localstate.practitioner) delete localstate.practitioner;
this.XWB_IM_HERE = unwrapped(logged(() =>{ method: 'XWB_IM_HERE', ttl: 30, stale: false }), 'XWB_IM_HERE'));
this.XWB_IM_HERE = apipe(() =>{ method: 'XWB_IM_HERE', ttl: 30, stale: false }), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.XUS_INTRO_MSG = memoized(unwrapped(logged(() => this.callctx(['XUCOMMAND'], 'XUS_INTRO_MSG'), 'XUS_INTRO_MSG')));
this.XWB_GET_BROKER_INFO = memoized(unwrapped(logged(() =>{ method: 'XWB_GET_BROKER_INFO', context: ['XUCOMMAND'], ttl: 0, stale: false }), 'XWB_GET_BROKER_INFO')));
this.XUS_GET_USER_INFO = memoized(unwrapped(logged(() =>{ method: 'XUS_GET_USER_INFO', ttl: 0, stale: false }), 'XUS_GET_USER_INFO')));
this.XUS_INTRO_MSG = memoized(apipe(() => this.callctx(['XUCOMMAND'], 'XUS_INTRO_MSG'), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.XWB_GET_BROKER_INFO = memoized(apipe(() =>{ method: 'XWB_GET_BROKER_INFO', context: ['XUCOMMAND'], ttl: 0, stale: false }), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.XUS_GET_USER_INFO = memoized(apipe(() =>{ method: 'XUS_GET_USER_INFO', ttl: 0, stale: false }), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.SDEC_RESOURCE = memoized(unwrapped(logged(() =>{ method: 'SDEC_RESOURCE', context: ['SDECRPC'], ttl: 2592000, stale: true }), 'SDEC_RESOURCE')));
this.SDEC_CLINLET = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'SDEC_CLINLET', context: ['SDECRPC'], ttl: 30, stale: false }, ...args), 'SDEC_CLINLET'));
this.SDEC_CRSCHED = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'SDEC_CRSCHED', context: ['SDECRPC'], ttl: 30, stale: false }, ...args), 'SDEC_CRSCHED'));
this.SDEC_RESOURCE = memoized(apipe(() =>{ method: 'SDEC_RESOURCE', context: ['SDECRPC'], ttl: 2592000, stale: true }), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.SDEC_CLINLET = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'SDEC_CLINLET', context: ['SDECRPC'], ttl: 30, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.SDEC_CRSCHED = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'SDEC_CRSCHED', context: ['SDECRPC'], ttl: 30, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.ORWPT_FULLSSN = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_FULLSSN', ...args), 'ORWPT_FULLSSN')), ['dfn', 'name', 'date', 'pid']));
this.ORWPT_LAST5 = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_LAST5', ...args), 'ORWPT_LAST5')), ['dfn', 'name', 'date', 'pid']));
this.ORWPT_ID_INFO = memoized(caretseparated1(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_ID_INFO', ...args), 'ORWPT_ID_INFO')), ['pid', 'dob', 'sex', 'vet', 'sc_percentage', 'ward', 'room_bed', 'name']));
this.ORWPT_SELCHK = memoized(converted_boolean(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_SELCHK', ...args), 'ORWPT_SELCHK'))));
this.ORWPT16_LOOKUP = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT16_LOOKUP', ...args), 'ORWPT16_LOOKUP')), ['dfn', 'name', 'pid']));
this.ORWPT16_ID_INFO = memoized(caretseparated1(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT16_ID_INFO', ...args), 'ORWPT16_ID_INFO')), ['pid', 'dob', 'age', 'sex', 'sc_percentage', 'type', 'ward', 'room_bed', 'name']));
this.ORWPT_FULLSSN = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_FULLSSN', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'dfn', 'name', 'date', 'pid')));
this.ORWPT_LAST5 = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_LAST5', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'dfn', 'name', 'date', 'pid')));
this.ORWPT_ID_INFO = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_ID_INFO', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split1('^', 'pid', 'dob', 'sex', 'vet', 'sc_percentage', 'ward', 'room_bed', 'name')));
this.ORWPT_SELCHK = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT_SELCHK', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_boolean));
this.ORWPT16_LOOKUP = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT16_LOOKUP', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'dfn', 'name', 'pid')));
this.ORWPT16_ID_INFO = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWPT16_ID_INFO', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split1('^', 'pid', 'dob', 'age', 'sex', 'sc_percentage', 'type', 'ward', 'room_bed', 'name')));
this.ORQQVI_VITALS = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORQQVI_VITALS', ...args), 'ORQQVI_VITALS')), ['measurement_ien', 'type', 'value', 'datetime', 'value_american', 'value_metric']));
this.ORQQVI_VITALS_FOR_DATE_RANGE = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORQQVI_VITALS_FOR_DATE_RANGE', ...args), 'ORQQVI_VITALS_FOR_DATE_RANGE')), ['measurement_ien', 'type', 'value', 'datetime']));
this.ORQQVI_VITALS = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORQQVI_VITALS', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'measurement_ien', 'type', 'value', 'datetime', 'value_american', 'value_metric')));
this.ORQQVI_VITALS_FOR_DATE_RANGE = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORQQVI_VITALS_FOR_DATE_RANGE', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'measurement_ien', 'type', 'value', 'datetime')));
this.GMV_EXTRACT_REC = async (dfn, oredt, orsdt) => measurement_parse(await unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'GMV_EXTRACT_REC', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 60, stale: false }, args.join('^')), 'GMV_EXTRACT_REC'))(dfn, oredt, '', orsdt));
this.GMV_EXTRACT_REC = async (dfn, oredt, orsdt) => pipe(await{ method: 'GMV_EXTRACT_REC', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 60, stale: false }, `${dfn}^${oredt}^^${orsdt}`), d_log, d_unwrap, measurement_parse);
this.ORWLRR_INTERIM = labreportparsed(unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'ORWLRR_INTERIM', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 60, stale: false }, ...args), 'ORWLRR_INTERIM')));
this.ORWLRR_INTERIM = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'ORWLRR_INTERIM', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 60, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, lab_parse);
this.ORWLRR_INTERIM_RESULTS = async (...args) => lab_reparse_results(await this.ORWLRR_INTERIM(...args));
this.ORWORDG_ALLTREE = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged(() => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORDG_ALLTREE'), 'ORWORDG_ALLTREE')), ['ien', 'name', 'parent', 'has_children']));
this.ORWORDG_REVSTS = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged(() => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORDG_REVSTS'), 'ORWORDG_REVSTS')), ['ien', 'name', 'parent', 'has_children']));
this.ORWORR_AGET = memoized(caretseparated(sliced(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORR_AGET', ...args), 'ORWORR_AGET')), 1), ['ifn', 'dgrp', 'time']));
this.ORWORR_GET4LST = memoized(parsed_orderinfo(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORR_GET4LST', ...args), 'ORWORR_GET4LST'))));
this.ORWORDG_ALLTREE = memoized(apipe(() => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORDG_ALLTREE'), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'ien', 'name', 'parent', 'has_children')));
this.ORWORDG_REVSTS = memoized(apipe(() => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORDG_REVSTS'), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'ien', 'name', 'parent', 'has_children')));
this.ORWORR_AGET = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORR_AGET', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_slice(1), f_split('^', 'ifn', 'dgrp', 'time')));
this.ORWORR_GET4LST = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWORR_GET4LST', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, orderinfo_parse));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETROOTS = caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETROOTS', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 86400, stale: true }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETROOTS')), ['IEN', 'type', 'status', 'name', 'exclude_from_group_boilerplate', 'blank_lines', 'personal_owner', 'has_children_flag', 'dialog', 'display_only', 'first_line', 'one_item_only', 'hide_dialog_items', 'hide_tree_items', 'indent_items', 'reminder_dialog_ien', 'reminder_dialog_name', 'locked', 'com_object_pointer', 'com_object_parameter', 'link_pointer', 'reminder_dialog_patient_specific_value']);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETPROOT = caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETPROOT', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 86400, stale: true }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETPROOT')), ['IEN', 'type', 'status', 'name', 'exclude_from_group_boilerplate', 'blank_lines', 'personal_owner', 'has_children_flag', 'dialog', 'display_only', 'first_line', 'one_item_only', 'hide_dialog_items', 'hide_tree_items', 'indent_items', 'reminder_dialog_ien', 'reminder_dialog_name', 'locked', 'com_object_pointer', 'com_object_parameter', 'link_pointer', 'reminder_dialog_patient_specific_value']);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETBOIL = parsed_text(unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETBOIL', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETBOIL')));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS = caretseparated(parsed_nullarray(unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS'))), ['IEN', 'type', 'status', 'name', 'exclude_from_group_boilerplate', 'blank_lines', 'personal_owner', 'has_children_flag', 'dialog', 'display_only', 'first_line', 'one_item_only', 'hide_dialog_items', 'hide_tree_items', 'indent_items', 'reminder_dialog_ien', 'reminder_dialog_name', 'locked', 'com_object_pointer', 'com_object_parameter', 'link_pointer', 'reminder_dialog_patient_specific_value']);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE_MODIFY = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE/MODIFY', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE/MODIFY'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_DELETE = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_DELETE', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_DELETE'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_LOCK = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_LOCK', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_LOCK'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETROOTS = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETROOTS', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 86400, stale: true }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'IEN', 'type', 'status', 'name', 'exclude_from_group_boilerplate', 'blank_lines', 'personal_owner', 'has_children_flag', 'dialog', 'display_only', 'first_line', 'one_item_only', 'hide_dialog_items', 'hide_tree_items', 'indent_items', 'reminder_dialog_ien', 'reminder_dialog_name', 'locked', 'com_object_pointer', 'com_object_parameter', 'link_pointer', 'reminder_dialog_patient_specific_value'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETPROOT = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETPROOT', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 86400, stale: true }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'IEN', 'type', 'status', 'name', 'exclude_from_group_boilerplate', 'blank_lines', 'personal_owner', 'has_children_flag', 'dialog', 'display_only', 'first_line', 'one_item_only', 'hide_dialog_items', 'hide_tree_items', 'indent_items', 'reminder_dialog_ien', 'reminder_dialog_name', 'locked', 'com_object_pointer', 'com_object_parameter', 'link_pointer', 'reminder_dialog_patient_specific_value'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETBOIL = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETBOIL', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_text);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_array, f_split('^', 'IEN', 'type', 'status', 'name', 'exclude_from_group_boilerplate', 'blank_lines', 'personal_owner', 'has_children_flag', 'dialog', 'display_only', 'first_line', 'one_item_only', 'hide_dialog_items', 'hide_tree_items', 'indent_items', 'reminder_dialog_ien', 'reminder_dialog_name', 'locked', 'com_object_pointer', 'com_object_parameter', 'link_pointer', 'reminder_dialog_patient_specific_value'));
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE_MODIFY = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE/MODIFY', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_DELETE = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_DELETE', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_LOCK = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_LOCK', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.ORWCV_VST = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWCV_VST', ...args), 'ORWCV_VST')), ['apptinfo', 'datetime', 'location', 'status']));
this.ORWCV_VST = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWCV_VST', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'apptinfo', 'datetime', 'location', 'status')));
this.ORWU1_NEWLOC = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWU1_NEWLOC', ...args), 'ORWU1_NEWLOC')), ['IEN', 'name']));
this.ORWU1_NEWLOC = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWU1_NEWLOC', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'IEN', 'name')));
this.ORWDX_DGNM = memoized(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DGNM', ...args), 'ORWDX_DGNM')));
this.ORWDX_DGRP = memoized(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DGRP', ...args), 'ORWDX_DGRP')));
this.ORWDX_WRLST = memoized(parsed_orderdialogs(unwrapped(logged(() => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_WRLST'), 'ORWDX_WRLST'))));
this.ORWDX_ORDITM = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_ORDITM', ...args), 'ORWDX_ORDITM')), ['IEN', 'synonym', 'name']));
this.ORWDX_DLGID = memoized(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DLGID', ...args), 'ORWDX_DLGID')));
this.ORWDX_DLGDEF = memoized(mapped(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DLGDEF', ...args), 'ORWDX_DLGDEF')), ['promptID', 'promptIEN', 'fmtSeq', 'fmtCode', 'omit', 'lead', 'trail', 'newLine', 'wrap', 'children', 'isChild']), 'promptID'));
this.ORWDX_LOADRSP = memoized(mapped(parsed_orderoverrides(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_LOADRSP', ...args), 'ORWDX_LOADRSP')), ['promptID', 'promptIEN', 'fmtSeq', 'fmtCode', 'omit', 'lead', 'trail', 'newLine', 'wrap', 'children', 'isChild']), 'promptID'));
this.ORWDX_SAVE = unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'ORWDX_SAVE', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'ORWDX_SAVE'));
this.ORWDXM_MENU = memoized(parsed_ordermenu(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDXM_MENU', ...args), 'ORWDXM_MENU'))));
this.ORWDXM_DLGNAME = memoized(caretseparated1(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDXM_DLGNAME', ...args), 'ORWDXM_DLGNAME')), ['InternalName', 'DisplayName', 'BaseDialogIEN', 'BaseDialogName']));
this.ORWDXM_PROMPTS = memoized(mapped(parsed_caretseparated_detail(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDXM_PROMPTS', ...args), 'ORWDXM_PROMPTS')), ['id', 'req', 'hid', 'prompt', 'type', 'domain', 'default', 'idflt', 'help']), 'id'));
this.ORWDXM1_BLDQRSP = caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) =>{ method: 'ORWDXM1_BLDQRSP', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), 'ORWDXM1_BLDQRSP')), ['QuickLevel', 'ResponseID', 'Dialog', 'Type', 'FormID', 'DGrpLST']);
this.ORWUL_FV4DG = memoized(caretseparated1(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWUL_FV4DG', ...args), 'ORWUL_FV4DG')), ['IEN', 'count']));
this.ORWUL_FVSUB = memoized(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWUL_FVSUB', ...args), 'ORWUL_FVSUB')), ['IEN', 'description']));
this.ORWUL_FVIDX = memoized(caretseparated1(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWUL_FVIDX', ...args), 'ORWUL_FVIDX')), ['index', 'description']));
this.ORWDX_DGNM = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DGNM', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.ORWDX_DGRP = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DGRP', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.ORWDX_WRLST = memoized(apipe(() => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_WRLST'), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_orderdialogs));
this.ORWDX_ORDITM = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_ORDITM', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'IEN', 'synonym', 'name')));
this.ORWDX_DLGID = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DLGID', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.ORWDX_DLGDEF = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_DLGDEF', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'promptID', 'promptIEN', 'fmtSeq', 'fmtCode', 'omit', 'lead', 'trail', 'newLine', 'wrap', 'children', 'isChild'), f_key('promptID')));
this.ORWDX_LOADRSP = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDX_LOADRSP', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, orderoverrides_parse, f_key('promptID')));
this.ORWDX_SAVE = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'ORWDX_SAVE', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap);
this.ORWDXM_MENU = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDXM_MENU', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_ordermenu));
this.ORWDXM_DLGNAME = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDXM_DLGNAME', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split1('^', 'InternalName', 'DisplayName', 'BaseDialogIEN', 'BaseDialogName')));
this.ORWDXM_PROMPTS = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDXM_PROMPTS', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_parse_caretseparated_detail(['id', 'req', 'hid', 'prompt', 'type', 'domain', 'default', 'idflt', 'help']), f_key('id')));
this.ORWDXM1_BLDQRSP = apipe((...args) =>{ method: 'ORWDXM1_BLDQRSP', context: ['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], ttl: 0, stale: false }, ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'QuickLevel', 'ResponseID', 'Dialog', 'Type', 'FormID', 'DGrpLST'));
this.ORWUL_FV4DG = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWUL_FV4DG', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split1('^', 'IEN', 'count')));
this.ORWUL_FVSUB = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWUL_FVSUB', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'IEN', 'description')));
this.ORWUL_FVIDX = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWUL_FVIDX', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split1('^', 'index', 'description')));
this.ORWDSD1_ODSLCT = memoized(parsed_orderoptions_scheduling(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDSD1_ODSLCT', ...args), 'ORWDSD1_ODSLCT'))));
this.ORWDSD1_ODSLCT = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDSD1_ODSLCT', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_orderoptions_scheduling));
this.ORWDLR32_DEF = memoized(parsed_orderoptions_labfacility(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDLR32_DEF', ...args), 'ORWDLR32_DEF'))));
this.ORWDLR32_LOAD = memoized(parsed_orderoptions_labtest(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDLR32_LOAD', ...args), 'ORWDLR32_LOAD'))));
this.ORWDLR32_DEF = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDLR32_DEF', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_orderoptions_labfacility));
this.ORWDLR32_LOAD = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDLR32_LOAD', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_orderoptions_labtest));
this.ORWDPS1_SCHALL = memoized(mapped(caretseparated(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS1_SCHALL', ...args), 'ORWDPS1_SCHALL')), ['value', 'text', '_', 'times']), 'value'));
this.ORWDPS1_ODSLCT = memoized(parsed_orderoptions_medfill(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS1_ODSLCT', ...args), 'ORWDPS1_ODSLCT'))));
this.ORWDPS2_OISLCT = memoized(parsed_orderoptions_meddose(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS2_OISLCT', ...args), 'ORWDPS2_OISLCT'))));
this.ORWDPS2_DAY2QTY = memoized(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS2_DAY2QTY', ...args), 'ORWDPS2_DAY2QTY')));
this.ORWDPS2_QTY2DAY = memoized(unwrapped(logged((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS2_QTY2DAY', ...args), 'ORWDPS2_QTY2DAY')));
this.ORWDPS1_SCHALL = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS1_SCHALL', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, f_split('^', 'value', 'text', '_', 'times'), f_key('value')));
this.ORWDPS1_ODSLCT = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS1_ODSLCT', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_orderoptions_medfill));
this.ORWDPS2_OISLCT = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS2_OISLCT', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap, d_parse_orderoptions_meddose));
this.ORWDPS2_DAY2QTY = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS2_DAY2QTY', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap));
this.ORWDPS2_QTY2DAY = memoized(apipe((...args) => this.callctx(['OR CPRS GUI CHART'], 'ORWDPS2_QTY2DAY', ...args), d_log, d_unwrap));
return this;