function randstr(length, charset='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') { var res = '', i; if((window.crypto) && (window.crypto.getRandomValues)) { var values = new Uint32Array(length); window.crypto.getRandomValues(values); for(var i = 0; i < length; ++i) res += charset[values[i] % charset.length]; } else for(var i = 0; i < length; ++i) res += charset[Math.floor(Math.random()*charset.length)]; return res; } function str_to_ab(str) { var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); var bufview = new Uint8Array(buf); for(var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) bufview[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); return buf; } function uint8array_to_b64(arr) { return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr)).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, ''); } function b64_to_uint8array(b64) { return Uint8Array.from(atob(b64.replace(/\-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/')), c => c.charCodeAt(null)); } async function digest(algorithm, value) { var buffer = str_to_ab(value); return await window.crypto.subtle.digest(algorithm, str_to_ab(value)); } export function randpassword() { return randstr(64) + ':' + randstr(16); } function TplFSError(...args) { this.message = args; } TplFSError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); function TplFSErrorNotFound(...args) { this.message = args; } TplFSErrorNotFound.prototype = Object.create(TplFSError.prototype); function TplFSErrorPerm(...args) { this.message = args; } TplFSErrorPerm.prototype = Object.create(TplFSError.prototype); function TplFSErrorInvalid(...args) { this.message = args; } TplFSErrorInvalid.prototype = Object.create(TplFSError.prototype); export function TplFS(client, parent, desc) { this.parent = parent; this.desc = desc; this.path = parent ? parent.path + '/' + : ''; async function lock(tries=5, delay=1000) { var res = null; for(var i = 1; i <= tries; ++i) { if((res = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_LOCK(desc.IEN)) == '1') break; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.pow(delay, i))); } return res; } async function enumerate(ien) { var res = [ien]; var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(ien); for(var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) Array.prototype.push.apply(res, await enumerate(items[i].IEN)); return res; } this.chroot = () => new TplFS(client, null, desc); this.list = async (filter=null) => { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); if(filter) items = items.filter(filter); return => new TplFS(client, this, x)); }; = async (path) => { if((typeof path === 'string') || (path instanceof String)) path = path.split('/'); if(((desc.type == 'C') || (desc.type == 'P')) && (path.length > 0)) { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN), name = path[0]; var item = items.find(x => == name); if(item) { if(path.length > 1) return (new TplFS(client, this, item)).open(path.slice(1)); else return new TplFS(client, this, item); } else throw new TplFSErrorNotFound('open', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + name, 'Directory not found'); } else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('open', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + path.join('/'), 'Invalid path'); }; this.mkdir = async (path, optimistic=true, tries=5, delay=1000) => { if((typeof path === 'string') || (path instanceof String)) path = path.split('/'); var node = this; for(var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) node = await node.raw_mkdir(path[i], optimistic, tries, delay); return node; }; this.create = async (path, data, optimistic=true, mkdir=false, tries=5, delay=1000) => { if((typeof path === 'string') || (path instanceof String)) path = path.split('/'); if(path.length > 1) return await (mkdir ? await this.mkdir(path.slice(0, -1), optimistic, tries, delay) : await, -1))).create(path.slice(-1), data, optimistic, mkdir, tries, delay); else if(path.length == 1) return await this.raw_create(path[0], data, optimistic, tries, delay); else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('create', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + path.join('/'), 'Invalid path'); }; this.remove = async (path, tries=5, delay=1000) => { if((typeof path === 'string') || (path instanceof String)) path = path.split('/'); if(path.length > 1) return await (await, -1))).remove(path.slice(-1), tries, delay); else if(path.length == 1) return await this.raw_remove(path[0], tries, delay); else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('remove', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + path.join('/'), 'Invalid path'); }; this.update = async (path, data) => { if((typeof path === 'string') || (path instanceof String)) path = path.split('/'); if((path) && (path.length > 0)) return await (await[], data); else return await this.raw_update(data); }; = async (path) => { if((typeof path === 'string') || (path instanceof String)) path = path.split('/'); if((path) && (path.length > 0)) return await (await; else return await this.raw_cat(); }; this.raw_mkdir = async (name, optimistic=true, tries=5, delay=1000) => { if((desc.type == 'C') || (desc.type == 'P')) { if(name == '.') return this; else if(name == '..') return this.parent ? this.parent : this; if(optimistic) { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); var item = items.find(x => == name); if(item) return new TplFS(client, this, item); } if(await lock(tries, delay) == '1') try { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); var item = items.find(x => == name); if(item) return new TplFS(client, this, item); var nodeid = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE_MODIFY(0, { '.01': name, '.02': '@', '.03': 'C', '.04': 'I', '.05': '0', '.08': '0', '.09': '0', '.1': '0', '.11': '0', '.12': '0', '.13': '0', '.14': '0', '.15': '@', '.16': '0', '.17': '@', '.18': '@', '.19': '@', '.06': desc.personal_owner, '2,1': '@', '5,1': '@' }); var nodes = => x.IEN); nodes.push(nodeid); await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS(desc.IEN, nodes); item = (await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN)).find(x => (x.type == 'C') && ( == name)); if(item) return new TplFS(client, this, item); else throw new TplFSErrorPerm('mkdir', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + name, 'Failed to create directory'); } finally { await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK(desc.IEN); } else throw new TplFSErrorPerm('mkdir', this.path, 'Failed to obtain lock'); } else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('mkdir', this.path, 'Not a directory'); }; this.raw_create = async (name, data, optimistic=true, tries=5, delay=1000) => { if((desc.type == 'C') || (desc.type == 'P')) { if((name == '.') || (name == '..')) throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('create', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + name, 'Invalid path'); if(optimistic) { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); var item = items.find(x => == name); if(item) return (new TplFS(client, this, item)).raw_update(data); } if(await lock(tries, delay) == '1') try { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); var item = items.find(x => == name); if((item) && (item.type != 'T')) throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('create', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + name, 'Not a file'); var nodeid = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE_MODIFY(item && item.IEN ? item.IEN : 0, { '.01': name, '.02': '@', '.03': 'T', '.04': 'I', '.05': '0', '.08': '0', '.09': '0', '.1': '0', '.11': '0', '.12': '0', '.13': '0', '.14': '0', '.15': '@', '.16': '0', '.17': '@', '.18': '@', '.19': '@', '.06': desc.personal_owner, '2,1,0': data, '5,1,0': 'TplFS' }); if((item) && (item.IEN == nodeid)) return new TplFS(client, this, item); var nodes = => x.IEN); nodes.push(nodeid); await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS(desc.IEN, nodes); item = (await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN)).find(x => (x.type == 'T') && ( == name)); if(item) return new TplFS(client, this, item); else throw new TplFSErrorPerm('create', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + name, 'Failed to create file'); } finally { await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK(desc.IEN); } else throw new TplFSErrorPerm('create', this.path, 'Failed to obtain lock'); } else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('create', this.path, 'Not a directory'); }; this.raw_remove = async (name, tries=5, delay=1000) => { if((desc.type == 'C') || (desc.type == 'P')) { if((name == '.') || (name == '..')) throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('remove', (this.path != '' ? this.path + '/' : '') + name, 'Invalid path'); var garbage = null; if(await lock(tries, delay) == '1') try { var items = await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); var item = items.find(x => == name); if(item) { garbage = await enumerate(item.IEN); items.splice(items.indexOf(item), 1); await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_SET_ITEMS(desc.IEN, => x.IEN)); } } finally { await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_UNLOCK(desc.IEN); if(garbage) return await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_DELETE(garbage); } else throw new TplFSErrorPerm('remove', this.path, 'Failed to obtain lock'); } else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('remove', this.path, 'Not a directory'); }; this.raw_update = async (data) => { if(desc.type == 'T') { await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_CREATE_MODIFY(desc.IEN, { '.01':, '.02': '@', '.03': 'T', '.04': 'I', '.05': '0', '.08': '0', '.09': '0', '.1': '0', '.11': '0', '.12': '0', '.13': '0', '.14': '0', '.15': '@', '.16': '0', '.17': '@', '.18': '@', '.19': '@', '.06': desc.personal_owner, '2,1,0': data, '5,1,0': 'TplFS' }); return this; } else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('update', this.path, 'Not a file'); }; this.raw_cat = async () => { if(desc.type == 'T') return await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETBOIL(desc.IEN); else throw new TplFSErrorInvalid('retrieve', this.path, 'Not a file'); }; this.raw_list = () => client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETITEMS(desc.IEN); this.raw_open = (child) => new TplFS(client, this, child); return this; } TplFS.fromUser = async function(client, user_ien=null) { if(!user_ien) user_ien = (await client.userinfo()).result[0]; return new TplFS(client, null, (await client.TIU_TEMPLATE_GETPROOT(user_ien))[0]); }; export function EncFS(fs, data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt) { this.fs = fs; if(fs.path) path_decrypt(fs.path).then(value => this.path = value); this.list = async (filter=null) => (await fs.list(filter)).map(x => new EncFS(x, data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt)); = async (path) => new EncFS(await path_encrypt(path)), data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt); this.mkdir = async (path, optimistic=true, tries=5, delay=1000) => new EncFS(await fs.mkdir(await path_encrypt(path), optimistic, tries, delay), data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt); this.create = async (path, data, optimistic=true, mkdir=false, tries=5, delay=1000) => new EncFS(await fs.create(await path_encrypt(path), await data_encrypt(data), optimistic, mkdir, tries, delay), data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt); this.remove = async (path, tries=5, delay=1000) => await fs.remove(await path_encrypt(path), tries, delay); this.update = async (path, data) => new EncFS(await fs.update(await path_encrypt(path), await data_encrypt(data)), data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt); = async (path) => await data_decrypt(await path_encrypt(path))); } EncFS.fromPassword = async function(fs, password) { var password_salt = password.split(':'); var key_pbkdf2 = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', str_to_ab(password_salt[0]), 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey']); var salt = new Uint8Array(str_to_ab(password_salt[1])); var key_aes_gcm = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveKey( { name: 'PBKDF2', salt: salt, iterations: 250000, hash: 'SHA-256', }, key_pbkdf2, { name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, false, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ); async function data_encrypt(data) { var iv = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(12)); var ciphertextbuf = await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: 'AES-GCM', iv: iv }, key_aes_gcm, str_to_ab(data)); var res = new Uint8Array(iv.byteLength + ciphertextbuf.byteLength); res.set(iv, 0); res.set(new Uint8Array(ciphertextbuf), iv.byteLength); return uint8array_to_b64(res); } async function data_decrypt(data) { var ciphertextarr = b64_to_uint8array(data); var res = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: 'AES-GCM', iv: ciphertextarr.slice(0, 12) }, key_aes_gcm, ciphertextarr.slice(12)); return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(res)); } var key_aes_ctr = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveKey( { name: 'PBKDF2', salt: salt, iterations: 250000, hash: 'SHA-256', }, key_pbkdf2, { name: 'AES-CTR', length: 256 }, false, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ); var key_hmac = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', str_to_ab(password_salt[0]), { name: 'HMAC', hash: 'SHA-256' }, false, ['sign', 'verify']); async function path_component_encrypt(data) { var counter = (await window.crypto.subtle.sign({ name: 'HMAC' }, key_hmac, str_to_ab(data))).slice(0, 16); var ciphertextbuf = await window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: 'AES-CTR', counter: counter, length: 128 }, key_aes_ctr, str_to_ab(data)); var res = new Uint8Array(counter.byteLength + ciphertextbuf.byteLength); res.set(new Uint8Array(counter), 0); res.set(new Uint8Array(ciphertextbuf), counter.byteLength); return uint8array_to_b64(res); } async function path_component_decrypt(data) { var ciphertextarr = b64_to_uint8array(data); var res = await window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: 'AES-CTR', counter: ciphertextarr.slice(0, 16), length: 128 }, key_aes_ctr, ciphertextarr.slice(16)); return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(res)); } async function path_encrypt(data) { if(data) { if(data.constructor === Array) return await Promise.all( => path_component_encrypt(x))); else return (await Promise.all(data.split('/').map(x => path_component_encrypt(x)))).join('/'); } else return data; } async function path_decrypt(data) { if(data) { if(data.constructor === Array) return await Promise.all( => path_component_decrypt(x))); else if(data.startsWith('/')) return '/' + await path_decrypt(data.replace(/^\/+/g, '')); else return (await Promise.all(data.split('/').map(x => path_component_decrypt(x)))).join('/'); } else return data; } return new EncFS((await fs.mkdir('ZZZE ' + uint8array_to_b64(new Uint8Array(await digest('SHA-1', password))))).chroot(), data_encrypt, data_decrypt, path_encrypt, path_decrypt); }; export default window.tplfs = { TplFS, EncFS, randpassword };