#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import autoproc async def cmd_listclinics(proc): """Fetch list of clinics""" async with proc.sendline, autoproc.expect_async(proc) as expect: proc.sendline('^Appointment List') assert await expect.endswith('\r\nSelect division: ALL// ') proc.sendline() # default ALL assert await expect.endswith('\r\nCount, Non Count, or Both: C//') proc.sendline('Both') assert await expect.endswith('\r\nSelect clinic: ALL// ') proc.sendline('??') assert await expect.earliest('\r\n Choose from:') while m_delimiter := await expect.endswith('\r\n Type to continue or \'^\' to exit: ', '\r\nSelect clinic: ALL// '): for line in m_delimiter.before.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: assert (m := re.match(r'^(\d+)\s{2,}(.*?)(?:\s{2,}(.*?))?$', line)) yield { 'uid': int(m.group(1)), 'name': m.group(2).upper(), 'provider': m.group(3).upper() if m.group(3) else None } if m_delimiter.index == 0: proc.sendline() else: proc.sendline('^') break proc.sendline('^Patient information AND OE/RR') async for prompt, response in expect.promptmatches(( (re.compile(r' Press \'RETURN\' to continue, \'\^\' to stop: $'), None), ('Select Patient Information and OE/RR Option: ', None, True), ('Select Patient Information and OE/RR Option: ', None, True), ), throw=True): if prompt.index == 0: proc.sendline(response) expect.clear()