2024-03-02 00:45:21 -05:00

249 lines
9.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
import getpass
import asyncio
import configparser
import autoproc
import ext_session
import ext_discovery
import ext_scheduling
import ext_patient
import ext_measurement
import ext_lab
import ext_note
import ext_order
import ext_rcrs
from typing import Optional, Union, Generator
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Config(configparser.ConfigParser):
def __init__(self, *filenames, **kw):
configparser.ConfigParser.__init__(self, **kw)
self.filenames = filenames
def reread(self, *args, **kw) -> list:, self.filenames, *args, **kw)
return self
def set(self, section: str, key: str, value: str):
target = configparser.ConfigParser()[-1])
if not target.has_section(section):
target[section][key] = value
with open(self.filenames[-1], 'w+') as f:
target.write(f), self.filenames[-1])
return self
async def stdin_reader(opts: dict) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
"""Read from stdin, filter through input_filter, and write into pipe"""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
while True:
if opts.get('stdin.echo', True): # input with line editor
yield (await loop.run_in_executor(None, sys.stdin.readline)).rstrip('\r\n')
else: # input hiding characters
yield await loop.run_in_executor(None, getpass.getpass, '')
except ConnectionResetError:'ConnectionResetError: stdin_reader')
except KeyboardInterrupt:'KeyboardInterrupt: stdin_reader')
async def log_writer(proc, buffer):
with autoproc.subscribe(proc) as pipequeue:
while True:
buffer.write(await pipequeue.get())
import sqlite3, time, pickle
def memoize(database: Union[str, sqlite3.Connection]=':memory:', table: str='tempmemo', prefix: Optional[str]=None, ttl: float=86400, persist=False, cast=None):
db = database if isinstance(database, sqlite3.Connection) else sqlite3.connect(database)
db.execute(f'CREATE {"" if persist else "TEMPORARY "}TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} (uid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, result BLOB, expiry FLOAT)')
db.execute(f'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{table}_uid ON {table} (uid)')
db.execute(f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{table}_expiry ON {table} (expiry)')
def memoizer(func):
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
async def wrapper(*args, **kw):
uid = f'{prefix or func.__name__}:{repr(args)}{repr(kw)}'.encode('utf-8')
for row in db.execute(f'SELECT result FROM {table} WHERE uid=? AND expiry>? LIMIT 1', (uid, time.time())):
return cast(pickle.loads(row[0])) if cast else pickle.loads(row[0])
result = await func(*args, **kw)
with db:
db.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (uid, result, expiry) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (uid, pickle.dumps(result), time.time() + ttl))
return result
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
uid = f'{prefix or func.__name__}:{repr(args)}{repr(kw)}'.encode('utf-8')
for row in db.execute(f'SELECT result FROM {table} WHERE uid=? AND expiry>? LIMIT 1', (uid, time.time())):
return cast(pickle.loads(row[0])) if cast else pickle.loads(row[0])
result = func(*args, **kw)
with db:
db.execute(f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {table} (uid, result, expiry) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (uid, pickle.dumps(result), time.time() + ttl))
return result
wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
return wrapper
return memoizer
def application(proc, config):
from quart import Quart, request, send_from_directory
app = Quart(__name__)
db = sqlite3.connect('./cache.db')
from io import StringIO
buffer = StringIO()
proc.create_task(log_writer(proc, buffer), name='@task:log')
@memoize(db, table='memo', prefix='clinics', ttl=30*86400, persist=True)
async def http_api_clinic_list():
return [item async for item in ext_discovery.cmd_listclinics(proc)]
async def http_api_appointments(clinics, date):
clinics = clinics.strip()
return [item async for item in ext_scheduling.cmd_appointments(proc, clinics=clinics.replace('|', '/'), date=date.replace('|', '/'))] if len(clinics) > 0 else []
async def http_api_lookup(query):
query = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query.replace('^', '').strip())
return (await ext_patient.cmd_lookup_patient(proc, query)) if len(query) > 1 else []
@memoize(db, cast=tuple)
async def http_api_lookup_ordinal(query, ordinal, force=False):
query = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query.replace('^', '').strip())
return (await ext_patient.cmd_lookup_patient_ordinal(proc, query, ordinal, not not force)) if len(query) > 1 else '', 200, { 'Content-type': 'text/plain' }
async def http_api_measurements(mrn, alpha, omega):
import util
return [item async for item in ext_measurement.cmd_entries(proc, mrn, util.vista_strptime(alpha), util.vista_strptime(omega))]
async def http_api_labs(mrn, alpha, omega):
import util
return [item async for item in ext_lab.cmd_reports(proc, mrn, util.vista_strptime(alpha), util.vista_strptime(omega))]
async def http_api_notes(mrn, alpha, omega):
import util
return [item async for item in ext_note.cmd_reports(proc, mrn, util.vista_strptime(alpha), util.vista_strptime(omega))]
async def http_api_orders(mrn, alpha, omega):
import util
return [item async for item in ext_order.cmd_entries(proc, mrn, util.vista_strptime(alpha), util.vista_strptime(omega))]
async def http_api_rcrs_patients(alpha, omega):
import util
return [item async for item in ext_rcrs.cmd_patients(proc, util.vista_strptime(alpha), util.vista_strptime(omega))]
async def http_api_rcrs_tumors(alpha, omega):
import util
return [item async for item in ext_rcrs.cmd_tumors(proc, util.vista_strptime(alpha), util.vista_strptime(omega))]
async def http_api_log():
return buffer.getvalue(), 200, { 'Content-type': 'text/plain' }
@app.route('/api/config/<section>/<key>', methods=('GET',))
async def get_api_config_value(section, key):
return config[section][key] or '', 200, { 'Content-type': 'text/plain' }
except KeyError:
return '', 200, { 'Content-type': 'text/plain' }
@app.route('/api/config/<section>/<key>', methods=('PUT',))
async def put_api_config_value(section, key):
config.set(section, key, (await request.get_data()).decode('utf-8'))
return {}
async def http_favicon():
return await send_from_directory('./frontend/build', 'favicon.png')
async def http_static(path):
return await send_from_directory('./frontend/build/_app', path)
async def http_spa(path='index.html'):
return await send_from_directory('./frontend/build', '200.html')
return app
async def frontend_build():
import shutil
proc = None
while True:
proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(shutil.which('npm'), 'run', '--prefix', 'frontend', 'build', '--', '--watch', stdin=None)
await proc.wait()
logger.warning(f'Frontend builder exited: {proc.returncode}')
except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:
if proc is not None and proc.returncode is None:
logger.warning('Terminating frontend builder...')
await (await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('taskkill', '/pid', str(, '/t', '/f', stdin=None)).wait() # proc.terminate()
await proc.wait()
proc._transport.close() #
def get_port():
import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('localhost', 0))
port = sock.getsockname()[1]
return port
async def main_async(opts: dict, dev=True):
import webbrowser, os
config = Config('./config.ini')
if dev:
builder = asyncio.create_task(frontend_build())
await asyncio.sleep(1)
while not os.path.isfile('./frontend/build/200.html'):
logger.warning('Waiting for frontend build...')
await asyncio.sleep(5)
proc = await autoproc.create_instrumented_subprocess_exec('ssh', '-T', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no', '', stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, stdin_endl=b'\r')
if await ext_session.task_smartcard(proc, config): #proc.create_task(ext_session.task_smartcard(proc, config), name='@task:smartcard')
port = get_port()
asyncio.create_task(application(proc, config).run_task(port=port))'http://localhost:{port}/')
async for data in stdin_reader(opts):
#data = input_filter(data) # filter input, possibly spawning tasks
if proc.returncode is None and data is not None:
#await pipe.drain()
if dev:
await builder
if __name__ == '__main__':{}))